各国の国籍法   ハイパーリンク法律情報    

 先例等の内容を閲覧する場合は、 が必要です。

中東(Middle East)
パレスチナ    Palestine
  国籍法令   出生による国籍   国籍の取得   国籍の喪失   重国籍・無国籍   国籍証明書   先例・判例   その他     渉外戸籍


 1947年国連総会がパレスチナをアラブ国家とユダヤ国家とに分裂決議採択 1967年第三次中東戦争でイスラエルが西岸・ガザを占領(外務省HP)

 1988年11月15日にパレスチナの独立を宣言   イスラエルは1948年5月14日に独立を宣言

 憲法(英語)(2003年制定 2005年改正) 出典 constituteproject..org  

Palestine's Constitution of 2003 with Amendments through 2005

Article 1
Palestine is part of the larger Arab world, and the Palestinian people are part of the
Arab nation. Arab unity is an objective that the Palestinian people shall work to

Article 2
The people are the source of power, which shall be exercised through the legislative,
executive and judicial authorities, based upon the principle of separation of powers
and in the manner set forth in this Basic Law.

 Article 3
Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.

Article 4
1. Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect for the sanctity of all other
divine religions shall be maintained.
2. The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be a principal source of legislation.
3. Arabic shall be the official language.

Article 5
The governing system in Palestine shall be a democratic parliamentary system,
based upon political and party pluralism. The President of the National Authority
shall be directly elected by the people. The government shall be accountable to the
President and to the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Article 6
The principle of the rule of law shall be the basis of government in Palestine. All
governmental powers, agencies, institutions and individuals shall be subject to the

Article 7
Palestinian citizenship shall be regulated by law.

Article 28

No Palestinian may be deported from the homeland, prevented or prohibited from
returning to or leaving it, deprived of his citizenship, or handed over to any foreign entity.